Welcome back!
By the way, I have no idea if I’m headed in the right direction. I'm not joking. I know I'm supposed to be this great leader and all but I'll be honest, I think we’ve been walking in circles for days. One of my “loyal complainers” even called me out about it. Thankfully none of the others heard him. I told him to pipe down before I waved my rod around and turned his penis into a serpent. He shut up real fast after that. Seriously though, how the hell do you get to Israel from here? Usually I experience some epiphany after downing a handful of those acacia seeds, but receiving reliable directions has proven challenging. I think we’ve passed that rock over there at least three times today. That’s a bad thing right? I'd ask Aaron for help but that dude's even more useless than me when it comes to directions. I once let him take the reigns of this adventure and he almost led us back into Egypt. Can you believe that guy? I was like, “Nice one Aaron, you tool. You almost handed our asses back to the Egyptians.” We had a good laugh over that near-history-altering mistake. Why God would choose a Jew for a navigation-heavy assignment is still a mystery to me. Sometimes I think he wants to sabotage his own plans. I really do. But hey, who am I to question his ways, right? Then again, recently I’ve been wondering if all the supernatural stuff I’ve seen and heard might be, um…you know, just in my head. I mean I do consume copious amounts of those acacia seeds. The other night I could have sworn Aaron and I were riding a flying pyramid across a rainbow. I kept that one to myself. Unlike the time I saw a bush burning without being consumed. I blabbed about that one to everyone.
Man I’m stoned. I feel like taking another nap but we just got going 5 minutes ago and this crowd won’t take kindly to another break. Looks like I might have to make one of my, “God commands us to take a break” announcements. These folks eat up that bullcrap. Those acacia seeds have totally given me the munchies too. Let’s see, should I nosh on the cactus or the sand? Stupid unappetizing desert! I won’t complain about the lack of food though. The last time we did that, God made it rain quails. Seriously! Quails! I didn’t even know what the hell a quail was until I saw Aaron shove like seven of them into his mouth at once. His face looked like a friggin quail’s nest. Not cool Aaron. Not cool.
I am so wasted right now. I haven’t been this high since I made the sea split in half. I did split the sea, right? I was hammered that night too, so who the hell knows anymore? Oh man, there’s that rock again! This is getting ridiculous. The Egyptians would have made it to Israel in a couple of hours but drop a bunch of Jews in the desert and we’ll see you in forty years. Screw this. “O.K. Listen up everyone. God commands us to take another 20 minute cat nap.”